Aramco sustainability report 2023
Safe operations and people development
We aim to provide a safe and respectful working environment for all, on-site, and within the community, supported by comprehensive policies, procedures, and resources. We strive to support, diversify, and empower our workforce.
2023 performance
- Achieved a 16.0% reduction in the total recordable case rate, representing the best Company performance on its record
- Aramco reached record hiring levels, over 73,300 employees
- Over 20% of direct hires were female
- 26.3% increase in female employees in leadership positions
- The National Training Centers have collectively had 57,943 graduates since inception
- Largest-ever College Preparatory Program cohort to graduate with 358 students
- More than 2,000 students benefited from the Intermediate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program in collaboration with the Ministry of Education
Tier 1 process safety events (number)
(2022: 11)
Lost time injuries/illnesses (per 200,000 work hours)
(2022: 0.014**)
Fatalities (number)
(2022: 5**)
Female employees (%)
(2022: 6.4)
Female employees in leadership positions (%)
(2022: 3.8)
Total hours of training and development (per employee)
Advancing career development opportunities for our people
At Aramco, we continue to excel at providing unique learning offerings to our workforce. Our Hosted University Program expands advanced-degree opportunities for our employees seeking master’s degrees from top-tier universities while remaining on the job. The program brings the knowledge and expertise of leading global universities and institutions to the Kingdom to deliver customized, business-centered academic degrees.
The program is predominantly face-to-face sessions conducted in-Kingdom with a 7-week out of Kingdom duration at the university’s main campus location. This leads to a more capable and adaptive workforce to assist in achieving the strategic goals of the Company. By 2023, the Company has completed more than 35 hosted programs, successfully graduating more than 900 employees.
Notably, the Company signed agreements with top-tier business schools like Harvard, London Business School, and Wharton to focus on employee development and diversify opportunities, ensuring alignment between employees’ aspirations and the Company’s overall corporate strategy with over 2,000 participants to date. We have also introduced Harvard Manage Mentor Cafes to provide interactive sessions on soft skills, analytical competence, and leadership development; over 1,800 employees have benefited from this program.