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The seamstress who sewed the future

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Learn how Fatima wove herself a better future.

Meet Fatima

Fatima is a skilled and successful seamstress at the Qetan Sewing Center, located in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province. But her journey here was far from seamless.

When she was just 5-years-old, Fatima tumbled down the stairs of her home. The fall was severe, and she developed a permanent hearing impairment as a result.

Fatima did not shrink from this new challenge. Undaunted, she began to forge her own path.

In early adulthood, Fatima discovered a place to channel her creative passion: the Qetan Sewing Center. Here, she and other hearing-impaired women earn a living in a nurturing environment.

The Qetan Sewing Center

Since 2017, Aramco and partners have supported the Qetan Sewing Center, where women with hearing impairments can find career opportunities — such as designing, sewing and tailoring garments. So far, nearly 100 women have benefited from learning these practical skills. But they say that the biggest impact for them has been that they now have a place for their talents to flourish, and the means to shape their futures.
Find out more about Fatima’s story and the Qetan sewing center


In this series, we celebrate the stories of people from across the Kingdom whose lives have been transformed by projects that we are proud to support.
  • The seamstress who sewed the future

    Watch Fatima’s story
  • The man who sowed tomorrow

  • The writer who caught the clouds

  • The girl who learned how to bloom

  • The filmmaker who bridged every distance

  • The beekeeper who sweetened his destiny

  • The man who sowed new traditions

  • The reef that thrived beyond the storm


About the campaign

In this series, we celebrate the stories of people from across the Kingdom whose lives have been transformed by projects that we are proud to support. We brought these stories to life in a series of beautifully illustrated tales. Discover how these programs provide opportunities, enrichment and prosperity for communities across Saudi Arabia.
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