Become a supplier
All companies supplying goods and services to Aramco are required to be registered.
There are different registration and qualification processes and requirements depending on a number of factors, such as the supplier company's location and type (material vendor, manufacturer, or service provider). Aramco is looking for high-performing and highly-qualified suppliers who can provide best-in-class materials and services.
It is important to note that registering and then qualifying as an Aramco supplier does not guarantee you future business with Aramco.
Our ‘Doing Business with Aramco’ guide
This guide provides suppliers with the necessary, basic information on how to do business with Aramco, covering supplier registration, qualification, the iktva program, and our procurement policies.
To download the Doing Business with Aramco guide, please click here.
Suppliers based in Saudi Arabia
Aramco's Dhahran office is responsible for the registration of companies located in Saudi Arabia (In-Kingdom). Any company interested in doing business with Aramco must register as a supplier through our e-Marketplace Platform. Saudi-Arabia-based companies can submit a request for registration to become a supplier for Aramco by accessing the link below.
In-Kingdom Based Supplier Registration.
For additional guidance on how to register with Aramco, including submitting a registration questionnaire through the Aramco e-Marketplace Platform, please read our Supplier Registration Technical Guide and watch the video tutorials below.
Suppliers based in the GCC and the wider Middle East
Aramco’s Dhahran office additionally handles supplier registration for companies located in the following GCC and Middle East nations:
GCC — United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar.
Middle East — Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon.
Suppliers based in these countries are also required to register through our e-Marketplace Platform via the link below.
International Suppliers
Suppliers based in Africa
Management of suppliers located in Kenya and Somalia is by our Dhahran office.
Suppliers located in these two African nations should register with our Dhahran Suppliers Team using the e-Marketplace Platform link below.
Kenya and Somalia-based supplier registration
Prospective suppliers based in all other African nations are required to visit our international suppliers page via the link below.
Suppliers based in Asia
Management of suppliers located in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan is by our Dhahran office.
Suppliers located in these countries need to register with our Dhahran Suppliers Team using the e-Marketplace Platform link below.
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan supplier registration
Prospective suppliers based in all other Asian nations are required to visit our international suppliers page via the link below.
All other nations
Companies seeking to do business with Aramco based in all other geographies (countries not already listed above) must communicate with the appropriate Aramco affiliated company — Aramco Americas (Houston, U.S.), Aramco Europe (AEC – Amsterdam, the Netherlands), or Aramco Asia Company (AAC) — located in their region.
The relevant Aramco affiliate company will evaluate the information provided and determine whether there is a business need for the registration of additional materials or services. Any further evaluation will depend on whether the supplier is deemed financially and technically acceptable. International suppliers who demonstrate that their materials or services offer significant technical or commercial benefit to the company will be further considered.
To register as a prospective supplier, please contact the Aramco affiliated company corresponding to your location.
New supplier registration
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Supplier general registration update
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Manufacturer qualification
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In-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA) Program
Our In-Kingdom Total Value Add (iktva) program is designed to drive supply-chain efficiency and value across our operations, and to encourage the development of a diverse, and globally competitive energy sector in Saudi Arabia.
Registration requirements
Below are the registration requirements that need to be met by any Saudi Arabia based supplier (materials or services) interested in registering as a supplier with Aramco.
Government requirements:
- A valid copy of the Commercial Registration (CR) Certificate
- A valid copy of the Industrial License (manufacturers only)
- A valid copy of the Investment License (if applicable)
- A valid copy of the Zakat Certificate
- A valid copy of the Value Added Tax (VAT) Certificate
- A valid copy of the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) Certificate
- A valid copy of the Civil Defense License or an equivalent Government License
- A valid copy of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Membership Certificate
- Contractor Government Classification, if applicable (service providers only)
Aramco requirements:
- Original acknowledgement of Aramco's Suppliers Code of Conduct
- A letter from the bank with which the company is dealing, stating the type of service that the bank normally provides to your company and relationship status
- A valid Company Ownership Profile with required supporting documents
- Authorized Signatory Letter identifying the Authorized Company Employees dealing with Aramco
- A valid copy of the Jadeer certificate issued by Monsha’at’ if applicable (Small and Medium Enterprises only)
- A valid copy of Cybersecurity Compliance Certificate (CCC)
*Note, the above requirements are not applicable to suppliers based outside of Saudi Arabia (GCC and wider Middle East or International suppliers).
Doing Business with Aramco
Supplier Registration Technical Guide
Suppliers Code of Conduct
Auditor hotline
The General Auditor Hotline provides a secure and confidential method for anyone to report suspected fraud, unethical conduct, or business irregularities related to Aramco business.