Out of Kingdom suppliers
As a leading global, integrated energy and chemicals company with operations and projects around the world, our work calls for quality products and services, everywhere we do business. Trusted international manufacturers, material vendors, and service providers help us meet those needs.
International companies that operate outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeking to do business with Aramco must communicate with the appropriate Aramco affiliated company — Aramco Services Company (ASC), Aramco Overseas Company (AOC), or Aramco Asia Company (AAC) — located in their geographical area of responsibility.
ASC, AOC, or AAC will evaluate the information provided and determine whether there is a business need for the registration of additional materials or services. Any further evaluation will depend on whether the supplier is deemed financially and technically acceptable. International suppliers who demonstrate that their materials or services offer significant technical or commercial benefit to the company will be further considered.
To register as an Out of Kingdom based supplier, please contact the Aramco affiliated company corresponding to your location:
The Americas (Western Hemisphere)
Aramco Americas1200 Smith Street
Houston, TX 77002
Manufacturer and supplier registration
Strategic Sourcing, Supplier Relations Group
Email | Visit website
Service contractors (North America)
Tel: +1 (713) 432-4000
Europe, Russia, and Africa
Manufacturers & suppliers registration
Aramco Overseas Company B.V. (AOC), Strategic Sourcing
Prinses Beatrixlaan 35
2595 AK The Hague
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0) 88 262-2000
Fax: +31(0) 88 262-3000
Email | Visit website
Australia, New Zealand, Japan
Aramco Asia Japan K.K., 26th Floor,
Marunouchi Building,
2-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-6326, Japan,
Tel: +81 (0)3 6367-7801 Fax: +81 (0)3 3211-3544
Email | Visit website
Republic of Korea
Aramco Asia Korea Limited,
45F, Three IFC
10, Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu
Seoul, 07326, Korea
Tel: +82 (0)2-6270-5553 Fax: +82 (0)2-6270-5592
South East Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and The Philippines)
Aramco Asia Singapore Pte. Ltd.
OUE Bayfront, 50 Collyer Quay #13–01
Singapore 049321
Phone: +65 6224 2228 Fax: +65 6225 5388
Email | Visit website
Aramco Asia India Pvt. Ltd.,
2A-801, 8th Floor,
Two Horizon Center,
DLF Phase-5, Sector 43,
Haryana, India.
T: +91 (124) 647 3600 Fax: +91 (124) 647 3609
Email | Visit website
China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong)
Aramco Far East (Beijing) Business Services Co., Ltd. (ABS),
Shanghai Branch No. 16T60, 16F – SWFC,
100 Century Avenue, Pudong New District,
Shanghai 200120, PRC,
Tel: +86 (0) 21-3866-5700 Fax: +86 (0) 21-6877-9080
Email | Visit website
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Kenya
Material suppliers that are based in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, or Kenya are handled by the Saudi Aramco Dhahran office, and can register through Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform by accessing the link below.
Out of kingdom based supplier registration
For guidance on how to register with Saudi Aramco including submitting a registration questionnaire through Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform, please read our Supplier Registration Technical Guide or watch a short tutorial on how to register with Saudi Aramco.
New supplier registration tutorial
For general enquiries or concerns, please contact the Saudi Aramco Supplier Help Desk at:
Supplier Relationship Management Division
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Building, 3301, North Park 2, Wing B
Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 11 297 8950
Email | Visit website
Commercial ecosystem
We support the long-term vitality of our commercial ecosystem. In particular, being a catalyst for the development of a Saudi energy services sector helps attract, establish, and promote domestic energy-related industries that are globally competitive.