Project Management – Construction
Aramco Project Management — Construction is responsible for delivering Aramco's capital projects safely, on schedule, within budget, and to the highest standards of integrity.
To be considered for the opportunities listed below, contractors must have qualified key project management personnel, engineering personnel, construction manpower, quality and safety personnel, and cost and scheduling personnel, to successfully execute the projects in the Kingdom.
For these opportunities, contractors are required to furnish all labor, equipment, and materials required to perform the work, and have policies, systems, and procedures in place for safety and quality assurance, and quality control.
Scroll down the list to read more about the many opportunities for contractors to support the Project Management — Construction.
To apply for prequalification for these opportunities, click here. Please note that registration or prequalification with Aramco is not a guarantee of future work.
Building construction work includes construction of:
- Office and commercial buildings, clinics, schools, laboratories, dining halls, support shop buildings, and security gates.
- Highrise buildings having more than 12 floors, iconic landmarks/buildings, and hospitals.
Residential Housing
Residential housing construction work includes construction of residential housing compounds. The definition of a residential compound is a complex of community villas (250 villas minimum), and associated community utilities and services such as: schools, community buildings, and parks.In-Plants
In-plant construction work includes construction of oil and gas processing plants, their upgrade and revamp, refinery plants, petrochemical plants, plant utilities (water, nitrogen, air, and steam), power generation, and bulk plants and storage tanks.Onshore Pipeline
Onshore pipeline construction work includes construction of:
- Cross country hydrocarbon pipelines and all associated pipeline earthworks and rights of way.
- Water injection pipelines and all associated earthworks and rights of way.
- Wellsite trunk lines and flow lines to gas-oil separation plants (GOSPs), and all associated pipeline earthworks and rights of way.
- Oil and gas pump stations.
Civil Infrastructure and Underground Utilities
Civil infrastructure and utilities construction work includes construction of:
- Highways and city roads, bridges, and tunnels.
- Underground utilities: Underground piping and electrical utilities, district cooling plant, storm water construction, drilling water wells, and water and sanitary sewer distribution and drainage underground systems.
- Fire protection systems including fire stations.
Site Preparation and Temporary Facilities
Site preparation and construction work for temporary facilities includes the following:
- Site preparation: Clearing and grubbing, rough grading, leveling, and compaction.
- Landscaping (hard and soft): Paved areas such as streets and sidewalks, traffic circle, driveways, retaining walls, and soft-scape, which includes grass, plants, trees, flower beds, etc., along with installation of water sprinkler and irrigation/drainage and systems.
- Temporary facilities: Temporary access roads and storm drainage systems. Temporary security fences and gates, and temporary camps: portable housing, kitchens and utilities, water supply and treatment system, fire water, temporary fire station, lighting, first aid utilities, and all other support facilities required in temporary facilities intended for projects under construction.
Electrical Work
Electrical construction work includes construction of electrical substations, power distribution grids, installation of transformers and circuit breakers/ switchgear, and all associated instrumentation and interconnections.
Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection construction work includes construction of galvanic anodes, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system installation, and all associated site preparation and earth works. Precommissioning of each individual piece of CP equipment. This includes turning on the rectifiers and solar systems and verifying that each anode is properly connected. Provide commissioning schedules in accordance with SAEP-332 “Cathodic Protection Commissioning” Appendix A to K, verifying the proper installation and operation of the new CP system(s).
Communication Work — Outside Plant (OSP)
Construction work for communications work OSP includes construction of fiber optic cables and copper cables, concrete encased conduits, direct buried conduits/cables, manholes, terminals, cable marker, grounding, tagging, cable splicing and testing, and associated earth works.
Power Transmission Lines
Construction work for power transmission lines includes construction of power transmission lines (69 KV and above), all associated site preparation, and earth works.
Communications Work — Inside Plant (ISP)
Construction work for communications work ISP includes construction of:
- Transmission, data network, telephone switching and related equipment, fiber optic inside plant, transmission systems, data communication systems and radio systems, remote terminal units (RTUs), SCADA systems, and OTN.
- Equipment rack, cable tray, copper and fiber cables, grounding, conduits, patch cords, information outlet (I/O) cable terminations, labeling, and cable testing.
Communication Systems Integration
Process Control Systems
Construction work for process control systems includes construction of new, or upgrades or expansions to existing process control systems, including:
⦁ Process Automation Systems
Construct or upgrade, install, test (i.e., loop test); commission, startup, and handover of the facilities; and/or expand existing process automation systems where the main systems are Distributed Control System (DCS), Emergency Shutdown System (ESD), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), or Data Acquisition and Historization System (DAHS).
⦁ Hydrocarbon and Facility Control Systems
Construct or upgrade, install, test (i.e., loop test); commission, startup, and handover of the facilities upgrade; and/or interface with DCS, ESD, Building Management System (BMS), SCADA, Data Acquisition and Historization Systems (DAHS), and RTUs.
⦁ Equipment Control Systems
Construct or upgrade, install, test (i.e., loop test); commission, startup, and handover of the facilities equipment control systems including: Compressor Control Systems (CCS), Vibration Monitoring System (VMS), Uninterruptable Power System (UPS), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and RTUs.
Security Systems Integration
Construction work for security systems integration includes construction of: Long Range Detection and Assessment System (LRDAS), Security Access Control System (SACS), radio-frequency identification (RFID), Plate Recognition System (PRS) Work and Intrusion Detection and Assessment System (IDAS) work that includes a Microwave Intrusion Detection System (MIDS), CCTV System, and Fiber Optic Fence Sensing System (FOFSS).Offshore Facilities
Construction work for offshore facilities includes construction of:
- New and upgrade of existing offshore jackets and platforms (production, tie-in, accommodation) and major hookup works (DCS, SCADA, multiphase flow meters, permanent down hole monitoring facilities, and fire protection and flaring systems).
- New or upgrade subsea pipelines.
- Power subsea cables (including HV and umbilical cables).
Offshore Upgrade and Services
Construction work for offshore upgrade and services includes performing minor hookup work (DCS, SCADA, multiphase flow meters, and permanent downhole monitoring facilities, and fire protection and flaring systems), modification and upgrade work on new and existing offshore facilities. This work requires marine vessels, structural, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation resources for completion of wellhead connections to platform piping, cable terminations, and installation/testing/precommissioning work.
Marine Infrastructure
Marine infrastructure construction work includes construction of piers/wharves, docks, marine berths, trestles, and bridges. The contractor must have full capabilities to do all works related but not limited to pile driving, deep foundations, landfilling, dredging, concrete work, structural elements fabrication, breakwaters, floating jetties, pontoons, quay walls, mooring piles, and rock revetments.
Water Treatment
Water treatment construction work includes construction of water treatment plants and distribution systems including the installation of new, and the expansion of existing, systems. The work, generally required in-plant, as well as outside Aramco facilities, including for community projects, will mainly consist of treatment facilities for water generated upstream, such as secondary and tertiary oil recovery water, or by downstream facilities, which include water, such as sour water, cooling water, oily water, raw and storm water, generated by process units, as well as treatment of ground water within a facility and as required for residential areas.
Contracting opportunities
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