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Safety equipment at Aramco Europe London office

Waste management

Effective waste management is an integral part of our operations.

Aramco follows a Circular Economy (CE) approach to the waste we generate.

Waste is classified into three types, and waste management options are ranked by their environmental impact, with highest priority going to waste prevention, followed by reuse, recycling, recovery and, lastly, disposal.

We conduct regular waste management training programs for our professionals, and continue to spread the benefits of our waste management approach throughout the Kingdom via recycling awareness programs in our local communities, schools, universities, and municipalities.

How Aramco’s circular economy thinking can help the planet

One key route to a sustainable future is conceptually very simple: the circular economy. It is an approach that is gaining ground around the world.

Aramco is taking steps — both practical and cultural — to embed circularity into the Company. This involves re-examining business processes from top to bottom and training people in a new way of thinking.

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Also in this section

Water conservation

Our water conservation roadmap governs our use of this precious resource in our operations.

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