Existing suppliers
Saudi Aramco existing suppliers can manage their daily business interactions with Saudi Aramco through the following systems:
Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform
SAP Ariba is a leading business to business e-commerce network. SAP Ariba integrates the entire buying process across your entire organization. When you connect to the Ariba Network you connect to millions of suppliers across direct and indirect expense categories.
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Supplier General Registration Update Tutorial
SAP Ariba provides Saudi Aramco an e-Marketplace platform with the objective of establishing a platform to promote online trading between Saudi Aramco and business partners. Any company interested to do business with Saudi Aramco must register as a supplier through Saudi Aramco's e-Marketplace Platform. The platform will offer suppliers the below functions:
- Supplier Profile Management
- Displaying/acknowledging/outputting requests for quotations (RFQs)
- Sourcing “e-bidding” and tendering
- Contract lifecycle management (T&C management)
Note, registered Supplier with Vendor ID (previously approved) have been migrated to Saudi Aramco's e-Marketplace Platform. The listed contact persons in Saudi Aramco database have been invited to access their company’s supplier profile.
To access Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform, please log in here.
For guidance on how to activate your migrated profile on Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform, please read our Supplier Registration Technical Guide or watch a short tutorial on how to activate your profile.
Click here to watch the Migrated supplier activation tutorial.
For guidance on how to maintain and update your profile on Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform, please read our Supplier Registration Technical Guide or watch a short tutorial on how to update your profile.
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Manufacturer Qualification Tutorial
Supplier Portal
Saudi Aramco uses a portal through which registered suppliers, approved users interact to receive and maintain supply chain information.
Supplier Portal (Supplier Network Collaboration - SNC) offers the below functions:
- PO confirmation and update
- Inventory and forecast collaboration
- Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) creation
- Goods collection confirmation
- Supplier self-service – to maintain purchase agreement items
- Supplier performance
Material Suppliers should apply for Saudi Aramco Supplier Portal access by forwarding a request to Material-Supplier-Portal@Aramco.Com. The Supplier Portal is the main electronic business tool used between Saudi Aramco and its suppliers and serves to improve the flow and accuracy of key supply chain information.
Note, if you forget your password to Supplier Portal, please contact Saudi Aramco supplier portal team at +966 (13) 877 0135.
To access the supplier portal please login here.
Supplier Account Management Guide
The guide provides suppliers with the basic and necessary information that they need such as how to update their records, and know about the available systems and support; in addition to information about materials delivery and payment terms.
Click here to download the Supplier account management guide
Supplier eMarketplace eBidding Guide
Click here to download the Supplier eMarketplace eBidding guide.Commercial ecosystem
We support the long-term vitality of our commercial ecosystem. In particular, being a catalyst for the development of a Saudi energy services sector helps attract, establish, and promote domestic energy-related industries that are globally competitive.